Welcome. Reading this means you’ve stumbled into my little corner of the internet. It’s home to all the weird, off-the-wall, maybe even slightly creepy stories that tumble out of my head. We’re talking speculative fiction — science fiction, fantasy, horror, etc. — and new content shows up every week (usually on Fridays) so be on the lookout. Also, you can follow me on social media here, here, and here to help keep up with things.
A couple of things before I go: first, if you like what you find here, subscribe to the newsletter. That way, you’ll get the latest story, news, or bullshit musing delivered straight to your inbox. Who knows, you might even get content that isn’t available on the blog. No promises, though.
Second, this is art and art takes time and effort to produce. And, if you want to keep seeing it, you need to support it. So, support art by supporting me. For now, this site will run on the honor system. I’m counting on you people to be cool and click that “Buy Me a Coffee” button you see on the right side of the screen (use either the button on the right or the floating coffee cup in a brown circle). There are two options: 1) you can make a one-time donation or 2) set up a recurring membership for $5 a month. I’d love it if you did the latter, but won’t say no to the former. Any and all support will be greatly appreciated. Thanks and enjoy.